1/21/2019 Constitution Park, Deerfield Beach Flowering Maple, Indian Mallow, Velvetleaf = Abutilon mollissimum Family: Malvaceae (Mallow family) |
I've been taking photos of flowers for years and always trying to find their names. I have a small notebook filled with my sketch and memos. (Like Indiana Jones's Daddys Notebook) But still, I always have to take time to locate names in my notebook, in Field Guide Books....over and over again, so why not put everything in one place? Here are my photos and my memos, mostly flowers but also bugs, small animals...too, and mostly from South Florida, USA.
Tuesday, January 22, 2019
Flowering Maple
Red Morning Glory
1/9/2019 Plantation |
Red Morning Glory, Redstar
= Ipomoea coccinea
Family: Convolvulaceae
Native: Tropical America and
they have been introduced in much of the US.
Fast growing, twisting climbing flowering vines
that attract butterflies.
Leaves are heart-shaped.
They can be found in disturbed areas along roads,
stream banks, fence rows, old fields and other waste areas.
Wednesday, January 9, 2019
Cajeput Tree
Cajeput Tree, Paperbark Tree = Melaleuca quinquenervia
Family: Myrtaceae (Myrtle family)
Flowers are creamy white in 6" bottlebrush-like,
blooms year round.
It has a whitish, shaggy bark, spongy,
sheds in thin strips.
Leaves 4"
Common cause of respiratory problems when in bloom!!!
Wild Lime
Wild Lime = Zanthoxylum fagara
Family: Rutaceae (distant family of Citrus family)
South Florida Native
Before I found this tree, I was wondering what this wonderful smell,
where is it coming from???
The smell was so sweet!
Wild Lime is a small tree, about 26 feet
in South Florida hammocks.
The flowers are yellow, they appear year-round,
peaking in winter through summer.
And it is dioecious, meaning male and female flowers
appear on separate plants.