Indian Almond = Terminalia catappa
Family: Combretaceae(White Mangrove)
Native to the tropical regions of Asia,
Africa and Australia
11/23/2012 George English Park, Ft. Lauderdale
It grows to 35 m(11 feet) tall with the large
leaves of 15-25 cm(6-10") long and
10-14 cm broad, glossy dark green and leathery.
The fruit is drupe 5-7 cm (2-2.8") long and
3-5.5 cm(1.2-2.2") broad, first green
then yellow and finally red when ripe.
The seed within the fruit is edible when fully ripe,
tastes almost like almond.
実は5-7 cmくらいで種がひとつ、その種はアーモンドの
11/23/2012 George English Park, Ft. Lauderdale |
11/23/2012 George English Park, Ft. Lauderdale
The leaves contain several chemicals,
flavonoids, tannins, saponines and phytosterols...
and because of that, the leaves are used in
different herbal medicines for various purposes.