Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Mexican Gold Bush, Shower of Gold

Mexican Gold Bush, Shower of Gold
= Galphimia glauca
Family; Malpighiaceae
Native to Mexico
5/29/2016 Boynton Beach

Japanese Privet, Wax-leaf Privet

Wax-Leaf Privet, Japanese Privet
= Ligustrum japonicum
Family: Oleaceae (mokusei-ka)
Native to Central and Southern Japan

4/11/2019 Ft Lauderdale Down Town


Tropical Lilac, Jamaican Lilac,

Tropical Lilac, Jamaican Lilac
= Cornutia grandifolia
Family: Lamiaceae
Native to Mexico, Central America, West Indies
5/16/2019 Ft Lauderdale Women's Club


Tulipwood Tree

Tulipwood Tree = Harpullia pendula
Family: Sapindaceae
Native to Australia

Plantation Botanical Garden 5/30/2019
A lot of flowers, still fresh, are fallen to the ground

Yellow Trumpet Bush

Yellow Trampet Bush, Trumpet Flower
= Tacoma stans
Family: Bignoniaceae (Trumpet Creeper Family)

Small tree or Large shrub
Leaf - Bright green, opposite
Flower - Brightyellow trumpet shape
Fruit is a pod up to 8" long

5/1/2019 Plantation Historical Museum Front